Hey friends!

we're lauren & blake

meet your adventure elopement & wedding photographers

husband and wife elopement photography team

We're so so excited that you've decided to have a wedding day that is true to you and what you love!! We're here to help you every step of the way!

Throughout our lives, we've traveled to some of the most magical & wild places on earth. From the mountains of Colorado & Peru, to the Fjords of Norway, to the Volcano of Gran Canaria, to Glaciers in Canada, and everywhere in between.

Our favorite memories together are when we're exploring somewhere new and having a hell of a lot of fun doing it. And if we get lost searching for a waterfall and lose our flashlights, well we can say it was an adventure.

There's just something about seeing the beauty of the earth, and getting to experience that with YOUR partner.
It's so damn special.

We feel most alive in the wild places, and we think that you do to. 

helping you create your own wild way

One of the best parts about being elopement photographers is that we get to make meaningful connections with couples just like you. We get to adventure and explore with you, and empower you to have the wedding day that you want. 

And, although you may not know where to start, we are here throughout the whole process. We will be your location scouts, vendor match-makers, fun adventure sidekicks, and new found friends. 

from the moment you say hey: we're here to be your team, friends, and elopement & wedding experts.

our adventure together so far:

But, we knew a traditional wedding just wasn’t for us. Huge parties? Eeh we’ll pass. Adventuring and exploring somewhere new? That’s so us!

So that’s what we’re doing - eloping and having a wedding day that feels like us. We're planning a two part elopement in the mountains of Colorado, and while we already got legally married, it doesn't take away the magic of eloping. 

And that's the kind of wedding we want for you too!

From the first time we met, we knew our life together was going to be an ADVENTURE! I mean, it started with D&D, and now we are traveling the world together. 

Over the past 5 years we've fallen head-over-heels in love with each-other and the adventures we've had: hundreds of coffee shop dates, amazing hikes, a winter wonderland trip to Colorado where we almost hit a moose (what a fright!), hours of playing D&D, and nights curled up on the couch watching a new show.

we believe that the most breathtaking & meaningful moments are best experienced amidst the wild beauty of the great outdoors.

that's why we love elopements!

hiya, i'm lauren

I've always wanted to live in a fantasy novel, you know the kind where they go on grand adventures, fight bad guys, and live in harmony with nature (basically LOTR and Narnia.) Well, being an elopement photographer, I get to do two of those. Kinda glad I don’t fight any bad guys though!

Like most photographers, I fell in love with photography at an early age. But even before that, I fell in love with nature. When I was three I’d yell (and yes, little sassy ol’ me would yell at grown-ass men) for people to pick up their litter, because how dare they litter in that gorgeous meadow.

There’s something so special about getting to explore the world and be at peace in nature, to hear the rustling of leaves or feel the sun on your back. It’s what fuels me and my passion for elopement photography. It’s why nature is a co-creator in every photo I take. I even got a degree in photo-journalism because I wanted to work for Nat-Geo! But let me tell you, this job is even better. Not only do I get to capture gorgeous landscapes, but also the love between two people who adore nature just as much as me.

best adventure I've been

Traveling to Norway to see Fjords, mountains, and little viking towns

things i love

My husband & family, my cat - Atlas, traveling and finding new adventures, witchy things, disney (Brother bear was the best) & plants

go to drink

Moscow Mule or any fun cocktail. Or coffee (I used to be a Barista so ask me all about coffee, I'll talk your ear off)

fave hobbies

Best day ever

Drawing/painting, hiking, video games, thrifting, macrame, and learning about nature/ dinosaurs/ space

Exploring somewhere new and magical in nature with my Husband (and getting a beer after of course)

the weird random fact

I'm related to Blackbeard! Yep...the actual PIRATE!

and i'm blake

Hi, I'm a radio/tv graduate from an overpriced college. While panicking that I couldn’t find any good job prospects, I realized something: my wife (then fiancé and previously girlfriend) (working backwards like PEMDAS) has a knack, no, a passion for elopement photography! I didn’t… at least until I was dragged to my first elopement shoot. Then, like Frank witnessing Mac perform the greatest interpretive dance that sitcom television has ever seen, I finally got it.

Shit… I developed another passion. Well, this passion wasn’t like the others: Roman history, music, nerdy sci-fi… This wasn’t centered around my interests… this passion is focused on the happiness of other people. Huh… that feels weird.

best adventure I've been on

things i love

go to drink

fave hobbies

Traveling around South America: Peru, Argentina, Chile, with my mom and brother

The glory of rome, nerdy shit (Warhammer 40K, D&D, video games, etc), my wife (she made me write this),  and our wonderful cat

BEER, coffee, and Orlando tap-water

Dude I got too many, ask me in person

the weird random fact

I can make clicking noises using the webbing in between my fingers